Boost up your job searching skills in Kuopio area

InnoOk is one of the service providers for the project Boost up your job seeking skills helping foreigners and immigrants in the Kuopio area to find a job.

InnoOk has previous experience in guiding foreigners. In 2020 InnoOk arranged Fit in Bio&Biz training for educated foreign job seekers. Target was to improve skills to find a job in Finland. Most of the participants have found a job and we in InnoOk are extremely happy for their success. Here a comment from Fit in Bio&Biz training:

“Again, thanks a lot for everything you have done for us and this training is one of the best things that has happened to me in this country. Met so many good people and built up a very good network.”

Our head coach for Boost up your job seeking skills Kuopio is Pirkko Kukkohovi who has a lot of experience in teaching and guidance. She worked earlier for instance in Simhe (Supporting Immigrants for Higher Education services) helping foreign job seekers. As teacher and coach she has worked for better inclusion with immigrant students and experts of different fields for over 30 years. Pirkko is best described with feedback she had:

”I am an immigrant, who came to Finland 2 years ago and after studying the first Finnish language course, I met Pirkko and I think that I was so lucky to meet a person like her. She helped me to build a strong CV and to write a fine cover letter that show my skills and experience clearly in both English and Finnish languages.
In addition to that, she directed me to the way to improve my Finnish language skills in my field of studies. I can easily contact her anytime, and she is ready to offer assistance all the time. She was planting hope and enthusiasm in me to continue and not to despair and made me believe in my chances to get a good job opportunity in Finland.” 

The ESF-project Boost up your job seeking skills is offered for foreign job seekers by Kuopio City Employment Services. The aim of the guidance is to provide basic skills for independent job or internships search. The guidance consists of individual meetings for a period of 1-2 months and it includes an individual plan for

  • finding the potential employers and jobs 
  • describing own skills and developing job search skills through the job search process
  • getting to know the regional labor market and channels for applying for a job 

For participating Boost up your job seeking skills, please contact the service center of Kuopio Navigaattori. You can just walk into their office, or start by sending an email to The guidance is free of charge for participants. Kuopio City Employment Services has their office in City center, and all services and contact information are collected also in Navigaattori web page In this page You find all contact channels and a weekly schedule for current employment events.  

If you have any questions about InnoOk’s guidance services for job search, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email

Best regards

InnoOk Guidance Team